Day: October 4, 2022

Oct 04
Silvering gracefully and fiercely

No conversation about aging is complete without a reference to hair…so here we go. Author: Esther Sarlo, BA, Founder | CEO | Myndful Spark of Mynd Myself Whether you’re allowing your hair to show its grey, or, you’ve chosen to colour, highlight, or otherwise alter it, you’re included in this blog! No woman left behind […]

Oct 04
When something is wrong with me, what do I do?

Self-doubt and intuition – they key is to believe in yourself! Author: Esther Sarlo, BA, CEO | Founder | Myndful Spark of Mynd Myself When was the last time you had a disturbing sensation that there was something wrong with you…but you couldn’t figure out what it was or what it was all about? I […]

Oct 04
C-Section scars and how to care for them

Podcast Episode #15:We take this surgery for granted. There can be so much more to it! Interview with: Darren McConaghy, BKIN, CAT(C), DO(MP), CSCS, Kinesiology, Athletic Therapy, Osteopathy, and Strength & Conditioning In this episode we explore C-Section and Scars. C-sections are so common, we often forget that there can be complications What ARE C-sections…and […]

Oct 04
How common is Breast Implant Illness (BII) and what are the signs?

Podcast Episode #14:More common than you can imagine! Interview with: Darren McConaghy, BKIN, CAT(C), DO(MP), CSCS, Kinesiology, Athletic Therapy, Osteopathy, and Strength & Conditioning In this episode we explore Breast Implant Illness (BII). Taking breast implants for granted How prevalent breast implants are The types of breast implants and how long they last The kinds […]

Oct 04
Why and how you would do Seasonal Detoxing?

Podcast Episode #12:Who knew this could be so important? Interview with: Dr. Ryan Wagner, Pharm D., Functional Medicine Practitioner, WILDFIT Coach, 10X Fitness, Holobody Coach In this episode we will be discussing what regular detoxing does for you and why it is so important. The chemicals in your everyday environment and how they impact you […]

Oct 04
Functional Medicine – how is it different and what does it treat?

Podcast Episode #13:Taking Medicine to the next level! Interview with: Dr. Ryan Wagner, Pharm D., Functional Medicine Practitioner, WILDFIT Coach, 10X Fitness, Holobody Coach In this episode we explore what Functional Medicine is all about. Comparing and contrasting Functional Medicine vs Conventional Medicine Foundations of Functional Medicine The goal of Functional Medicine Identifying root causes […]

Oct 04
How can I keep my Fertility after 40? – Part II

Podcast Episode #11:Taking your next steps Interview with: Ewa Reid, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, RHN In this episode (part II of II) we are discussing what Fertility Over 40 looks like. A few key points: Key nutrients to include Supplements & herbal remedies * Healthy lifestyle shifts Common Assisted Reproductive Technologies Mind-Body connection DISCLAIMER: All […]

Oct 04
How can I keep my Fertility after 40? – Part I

Podcast Episode #10:There is hope! Interview with: Ewa Reid, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, RHN In this episode (part I of II) we are discussing what Fertility Over 40 looks like. A few key points: What’s age got to do with it? Some things that impact Fertility over 40 Common Infertility challenges What’s diet got to do […]

Oct 04
What is Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)?

Podcast Episode #7:The warning signs and what to do about them. Interview with: Zuzana Friedmann, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, RHN, Live / Functional Blood Analyst IIn this episode we discuss Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). What is IBS? What are the symptoms of IBS? What causes IBS? What can you do about it? DISCLAIMER: All of […]

Oct 04
What is Live / Functional Blood Analysis?

Podcast Episode #6:The incredible power of seeing what’s going on inside your body! Interview with: Zuzana Friedmann, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, RHN, Live / Functional Blood Analyst In this episode we are discussing Functional or Live Blood Analysis What IS it? How does it work? The controversy around it The usefulness and benefits of Functional or […]