A Hormone Balancing Approach to Wellness: Insulin – 4th Leg of the Hormone Chair

Podcast Episode #: 77 
How the body responds to what we eat

Interview with: Dr. Victoria  J. Mondloch, MD, OB-GYN, Specialist in Family Medicine, Preventative Health & Wellness, and Regenerative Medicine; Author and Speaker

In this episode we explore: 

  1. Why is insulin, which I’ve never had checked before, such an important leg of my hormone chair?  Of the foundation of my health?
  2. Why is insulin more important than a fasting sugar? 
    If my doctor doesn’t check for it, why should I ask for it?
  3. What is an A1C test and why do I need to know about it? 
    Is there an optimal level?  What does it mean if it’s elevated?
  4. If I skip meals, doesn’t that keep my blood sugar low? 
    Doesn’t that mean I don’t need to worry about my insulin or A1C?
  5. How much sugar in my diet is too much?  Isn’t cutting sugar in my diet enough?   
  6. If fasting is a part of my religion or my regular routine, am I hurting myself? 
    Am I turning into a diabetic?
  7. Are there natural supplements that I can take to help control my hunger or curb my appetite?
  8. If I’ve been told I’m pre-diabetic, will I be able to reverse this and get back to normal on my own?


Contact Dr. Victoria:
1 262-853-4254



Dr. Victoria’s website: https://drvictoriajmondloch.com/

Dr. Victoria’s Books:
Full bloom

DISCLAIMER: All of the information provided in the podcast is provided by Mynd Myself for your general knowledge only. All the Website Information (including the information in this podcast) is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition… READ MORE

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