It’s not too late…You’re in the right place!

Right now, in this moment, you are choosing to read this blog. Thank you!

Author: Esther Sarlo, BA, Founder | CEO | Myndful Spark of Mynd Myself

I’m curious about what circumstances drew you here…and how you are feeling.

  • Did you stumble across this blog completely ‘by accident?’
  • Do you have a health issue for which you are seeking a solution?
  • Is there someone in your world who needs help with their health?
  • Do you know me and are curious about what I’m sharing in this domain that has been born?
  • Are you seeking connection? Or…?

Whatever you are experiencing or seeking…welcome. I’m so glad you’re here!

A few more questions for you:

  • Are you curious about what Complementary, Holistic, and Integrative Health actually means?
  • Are you discouraged because you’ve tried so many things in the past that haven’t helped?
  • Are you feeling pretty good about life…but experiencing an increasing awareness that your body is entering a new ‘phase of being’ that requires more intention and nurturing than in the past?
  • Are you in a place of knowing that you need to do something differently but you’re not sure what that might be…or where to start?

myndmyself logo, because you matter


If any of those apply to you (or someone you know) then you are absolutely in the right place!


Mynd Myself is a wonderful and safe space that saves you time, reduces your stress, and helps you feel seen and heard on your health journey. You might even find a few chuckles in our ‘Humour’ section at the end of our Resources page.


Wherever you are in your health journey I propose to you that it’s not too late! There is help for you. Whether you want to:

Mynd Myself
provides you with many different ways to meet those needs.

  • globe, caring, connection, mynd myself, healing, health, practitioners, information, mynd myselfWe have amassed a body of definitions and information from trusted sources to help get you started on your information acquisition journey…and to help you take the next steps.
  • There is a selection of experienced, credentialed Healthcare Practitioners who you can reach out to for assistance.
  • On the Practitioners’ Profiles, check out their interviews so you can ‘meet’ them before booking an appointment. You can also see testimonials from other people about their experiences with those Practitioners.
  • Listen to a podcast or read a blogpost on a particular topic of interest to you.
  • Sign up for our Monthly Myndful Moment newsletter—a short offering each month to discuss current health topics.
  • Join the FREE Community to ask questions, share your story, connect with other people.

Most of all, be fierce in finding and acting on
what helps you feel vital and alive.

As Harold Whitman says,

“Do not ask what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” 

together, connection, integration, health, choice, action, mynd myselfEach time you take a step forward to nurture your own health, you create the potential to open pathways for healing, move mountains, and shift paradigms.

Again, welcome to Mynd Myself. We trust you will find what you need to point you in the right direction.

Take action…and be gentle with yourself.

Because YOU matter!

DISCLAIMER: All of the information provided in this blog is provided by Mynd Myself for your general knowledge only. All the blog Information is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition… READ MORE

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welcome, right place, look around, mynd myself, health

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Because YOU Matter!

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