FREE Mini Vision Board Workshop: Choose Your POWER WORD

2023 Sept 30 – No Recording available

Regular Price was $100 US but…this event was FREE for you…Because YOU Matter!

We were excited to have the phenomenal Debbi Sluys, dynamic Founder of Dare to Declare, lead us through this fun and visionary process. We were able to meet some awesome people and “level up” our manifesting “chops!”

In this Introductory Vision Board workshop YOU were guided to choose a POWER WORD and design a Mini Vision Board around it. Your POWER WORD is a word that you chose intentionally to inspire and motivate you into taking action toward your Vision for your life and your business.

The time and direction provided was sufficient for each participant to be able to complete their mini-Vision Board in this single session.

Go ahead and register now (button is below) to join in the fun! Feel free to share with others who would enjoy this gift!


  • A power word to be used for focus and self-regulation.
  • An awareness of the power of mindset.
  • An understanding of the power of focusing on a single word.
  • Feelings of clarity, inspiration, and motivation.
  • “Aha” moments as you unleash the power of your subconscious mind.

Materials You Need:

  • File card (either 4” x 6” or 5” x 7” max)
  • Markers
  • Scissors, glue stick, and magazine images (or other printed images)—no more than 10 per small card.
  • A notebook and pen to take notes

Meet the Leader

Deb Sluys

Debbi Sluys

Learn more

We are thrilled to have Debbi Sluys lead us in this inspiring session!

Founder of Dare to Declare™, Debbi is a coach, trainer, and speaker who specializes in helping people expand their brain’s potential to see what is possible for their future with Vision boards.

As a former Child Care Director, Debbi has studied personal development for over 30 years and has facilitated and witnessed science at work by guiding over a thousand clients to identify and declare their Vision both online and in-person in her Dare to Declare™ studio.

As an adopted child and survivor of child abuse, her mission to support women to declare their truth is her life purpose.

Debbi has been featured on many global podcasts, in The Corporate Escapist Magazine, shared an event with Gabrielle Bernstein and interviewed by Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) for his Success TV.

She lives in Chatham, Ontario, Canada.



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