Mantra Meditation

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How can Mantra Meditation help you?

Mantra Meditation can have many benefits including: 

  • Increased Self-Awareness and Focus
  • Reduced Stress
  • Greater Sense of Calm
  • Increased Self-Compassion
  • A more Positive Outlook
  • Better Breath Control
  • Positive Changes in the Brain that lead to Improved Mood and Well-being, Reduced Anxiety, Less Fatigue, and Improved Visuospatial and Verbal Memory (HealthLine)
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The practice of Mantra Meditation uses the silent repetition of a word or phrase as the point of attention to help hone a more focused awareness. It aids in the slowing down of mental activity and thought.

Mantra meditation is not meant to stop your thoughts altogether. Instead, the goal is to expand your awareness so you can get more comfortable observing your thoughts (and any other external stimuli) without getting immediately involved in them. The more you practice, the more you’ll start to notice that you are inherently more present, with less mind-wandering to the past or future. You’ll live in the moment with a greater degree of mindful (nonjudgmental) witnessing awareness. You’ll also likely notice that your self-referred thinking decreases, cultivating a greater sense of compassion for others. This is due to the reduced activity in the brain’s default mode network, which regulates both of those experiences. (Mind Body Green)

Mantra Meditation is the process of quieting and focusing the mind using a sound, word, or phrase recited either aloud or silently. The purpose of Mantra Meditation can be for religious and spiritual growth, or for relaxation. It is also known as Japa Meditation, from the Sanskrit word for ‘muttering.’

Mantra Meditation is an essential practice in many forms of yoga, helping to deepen inner awareness. It is also a ritual used in many Eastern religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. 

The benefits of Mantra Meditation are believed to be the result of the repetition of the mantra, which transforms the mind by creating positive mental patterns. The most well-known mantra is the single-syllable sound, or bija mantra, of Om (or Aum). This is thought to be the primordial sound of the universe. It is often chanted alone, but is also frequently included as part of a longer mantra phrase. (Yogapedia)

Mantra Meditation is a form of meditation where you repeat a word or phrase to keep you focused for the duration of your meditation.

Mantra is a Sanskrit term, with ‘man’ meaning ‘mind’ and ‘tra’ meaning ‘release.’

Think of a mantra—a word or phrase you repeat during meditation—as a tool to help release your mind. Having a mantra can make a lot of difference, especially if you have trouble concentrating or getting in the right frame of mind.

Many people find that using a mantra can boost awareness and improve concentration. Since it helps you stay focused, it could lead to improved results from meditation.

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