Holistic Nutrition

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How can Holistic Nutrition help you?

In simple terms, a Holistic Nutritionist solves problems with food. They help access the body’s natural ability to recover and restore itself to a thriving and nourished state. When you prioritize nutrition and eat according to what your body needs at a cellular level, you start to see significant improvements in your energy levels and quality of life. A Holistic Nutritionist specializes in supporting the body through whole foods, balanced lifestyle, environment, and a positive mind-body connection. Holistic Nutritionists work with other Healthcare providers in a unified manner to build a strong foundation of health over a variety of modalities.

Addressing the root cause of symptoms and disease is a primary focus for Holistic Nutritionists. After a thorough assessment, comprehensive wellness plans are created specifically to each client’s health needs and individual biochemistry. Wellness plans include education, a meal plan, dietary, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations specific to the client’s health goals.

Here are a few of the health issues that Holistic Nutritionists can help you with:

  • Digestive complaints/diseases, including stomach acid problems.
  • Losing weight and understanding what you body needs in order to do so.
  • Allergies and food or environmental sensitivities.
  • Asthma.
  • Mood disorders/ADD/ADHD.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Chronic Inflammation.
  • Fatigue.
  • Skin ailments such as Eczema, Acne, Rashes, etc.
  • Headaches and Migraines.
  • Diabetes.
  • Want to prevent and reverse symptoms you are experiencing.
  • Need nutritional support.
  • Would like to introduce a more natural and organic lifestyle.
  • Want a meal plan made for you.
  • Want to take control of your health.
  • Have more energy and joy.
  • If you want to prepare your body for a baby. (Courtney O’Connor, RHN in Ontario)
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Holistic Nutritionists provide you with the tools you need to take a preventive and proactive approach to your health, by identifying the source of nutritional deficiencies and outside factors that may be affecting your wellbeing.

Regardless of developments in medicine and health sciences, wholesome food remains one of the most essential elements of health and wellness.

Holistic Nutritionists provide individualized holistic recommendations of quality whole foods, lifestyle changes, and supplements on an as-needed basis in order to provide preventive or proactive health care through good nutrition. (Canadian School of Natural Nutrition – CSNN)

Holistic is a term conceived in the early twentieth Century to describe inclusivity or ‘holism.’ It is concerned with the notion that reality is an interconnected whole and focuses on the total entity and interdependence of the diverse parts of a totality.

Holistic Nutrition is simply not just about whole foodit is about what makes us whole. To be clear, it most certainly is not about throwing the superfood of the day at a complex health problem, along with the promise to wash it away; not just because, like other educated healthcare modalities we make no promises, but because such a claim makes no logical sense, to anyone.

Holistic Nutrition is about how we look at the whole person. Looking at health through a holistic lens is not like looking through a telescope, with its singular viewfinder allowing for the magnification of a faraway object, its field of view, narrow, and its depth of field, flat. A better analogy is looking through a set of binoculars. Although still able to see things from a distance, and to focus on a singular chosen object, the two viewfinders allow for a coming together of perspective in three dimensions, bringing into focus surrounding objects that may, from time to time, have had, or continue to have, an effect on the object under examination.

Holistic Nutrition most certainly is not a straightforward case of ‘once ill, and now, well.’ There is a great chasm between the two, a distance that spans over time, short for some, decades for others, that is created in impactful increments of seconds, minutes, days, months, and even years.  This distance, over time, indicates that there is the potential for this process to move as though travelling a continuum and at various points along this spectrum we find ourselves moving either toward or away from wellness. Health and illness do not happen in a straight line, nor is the journey ever the same for two individuals.

Given that Holistic Nutrition looks at the whole person and is NOT solely interested in food, food as the medium through which the body can, and does, if it is in a state of homeostasis, obtain usable isolated nutrients, we are also interested in the How, When, Where, Why, and with Whom, of each individual we see. It is here that we find OUR science. Not simply hard sciencebut a weaving of hard science and social science. This blending of the two allows us to celebrate research outcomes that promote longevity, connectedness, culture, both ancient and new, the good and the bad of each, and of course we do look at food, whole food. (Canadian School of Natural Nutrition – CSNN)

Holistic Nutritionists educate people about how dietary choices affect not only our bodies but the environment and our global community. Ethical choices in food consumption can better the soil, the earth, and conditions for the humans whose labour feeds us. 

What is the difference between a Dietitian, a Nutritionist, and a Holistic Nutritionist?

Dietitians will typically have a Bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics. They are members of a regulated health profession that can use designations like dietitian, registered dietitian, and registered dietitian nutritionist.

Because this industry sector is unregulated, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. 

Holistic Nutritionist is not a protected title either, but certain schools have trademarked their own designations and corresponding titles.

While all of these professions work primarily with food and diet, the term holistic implies treating the person as a whole, considering the interconnection between mind, body, and spirit. Holistic nutritionists view clients as unique individuals with complex needs. Educating clients about nutrition is one tool to facilitate overall wellness and disease prevention.

In addition to studying diet therapeutics, Holistic Nutritionists will typically have acquired knowledge in Complementary and Alternative Medicines, will be educated around supplementation, and may have studied traditional approaches to health like Ayurveda.

Explore the Research

We believe you should have access to high-quality research to help you make informed health decisions. Below are four trusted databases you can use as tools to expand your healthcare knowledge.