Tag: Heartmath

Oct 26
Understanding HeartMath

Podcast Episode #: 57 5 Ways HeartMath Can Help Me Interview with: Alison Zeidler, RCRT Reflexoloy, Quantum Touch & Touch for Health Instructor, HeartMath Certified Practitioner What is HeartMath  Science behind it / peer-based research Applications of HM / how can it help Difference between acute and chronic stress Stress and its affects on the body/mind Depleting […]

Oct 26
Energy Healing Demystified

Podcast Episode #: 56 What is Energy Healing and why is it so Important? Interview with: Alison Zeidler, RCRT Reflexoloy, Quantum Touch & Touch for Health Instructor, HeartMath Certified Practitioner How does Energy Healing work? Different styles of Energy Healing. Is it all woo woo stuff? Or is there science to back it up? Not a replacement […]