Day: May 5, 2022

May 05
The Most Important Thing to Know About Type II Diabetes

A valuable summary! Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health In North America, November is National Diabetes Month. It’s a time when communities work together to bring attention to this disease. Type II diabetes is steadily on the rise, and is estimated to double the number of cases over the first […]

May 05
Nine Ways to Help Fibromyalgia Naturally

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health If you know anyone who has fibromyalgia, you might just think that they’re achy all the time—which they may be. But fibromyalgia is much more than that. Think of the last time you had the flu or a really bad cold with all-over aches and […]

May 05
Superfoods for Brain Health Day!

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health In honour of Women’s Brain Health Day, we want to share about some healthy foods that benefit our health as well as our brains! Undoubtedly, sleep, exercise, and meditation have an amazing impact for our health including our brains. But so does the food […]

May 05
Six Ways to Take Charge of Your Health

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health At BodaHealth, our health practitioners have decades of experience in treating patients with a wide variety of symptoms, conditions and illnesses. We’d like to share some insights that we’ve come to understand through our work with patients just like you. Our first insight is […]

May 05
What Causes High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)?

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is one of the leading causes of heart disease, strokes, disability and hospitalization in Canada. Despite high rates of community awareness of hypertension throughout Canada and some of the best care in the world for this condition, high […]

May 05
Seven Tips for Better Memory

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health If you worry that your memory isn’t what it once was, especially as you age, you’re not alone. Many people believe that memory loss is just a fact of life as you get older, but when I visit my 96-year-old Nana her memory is […]

May 05
Eleven Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health If you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, you’re not alone. An estimated 70% of adults report inadequate sleep (which should be 7-9 hours a night for adults) at least once a month, and over 10% report not getting enough sleep every […]

May 05
Moxibustion for Arthritis

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health Moxibustion Therapy is an ancient yet 100% pure modality of healing. There is something rather mystically mesmerizing and relaxing about the Moxa smoke burning slowly and swirling in the atmosphere around you. At least, this is what my patients tell me! The feeling of […]

May 05
Six Things to Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), you’re well-aware of the impact this condition has on your quality of life. Not only is IBS uncomfortable, but it may also involve urgent bathroom visits, unpleasant bouts of constipation and embarrassing gas and rumbling. To […]

May 05
Why Has My Knee Suddenly Started Hurting?

Author: Dr. Jeda Boughton, B.A., R.Ac., Dr. TCM, FABORM – Boda Health If you’re experiencing knee pain, you’re not alone. Knee pain affects about one-quarter of adults and is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. To tell you the truth, I’m one of those people. I’ve been dealing with knee pain for a couple of […]